Choose your heritage.
Humans were the original race of our world. Being a simple but hardy race, they are by far the most numerous across Japan. While the majority of Humans lack the proficiency that the other races provide with magic or physical power, they make up for it in their innate ability to adapt to their surroundings.
The Tanuki are a relatively small rodent-like race that came along with the collision. They are mischievous folk who take great pleasure in the pain, confusion and frustration of those they target. Their love of pranks and jokes has led to them becoming naturally charismatic and sneaky beings. Care is needed when interacting with a Tanuki, as they are known to hold grudges for extremely long times and can be very volatile.
The Yajuu are beastly creatures that look like a hybrid of humans and other animals. They are by far the most diverse race within Japan ranging from medium sized to large creatures. What they may lack in their charisma, they more than make up for with their physical prowess.
The Karakuri are a relatively new race to be found in the world. From the outside they seem to be human but they are completely mechanical under their skin. Someone, or something has been creating these beings in large numbers. These creatures seem to be virtually immortal, able to transfer their consciousness into anything that can be loosely considered a machine.
Hulking creatures that they are, the Kyojin tower over even the tallest of the other races. They are the least common race throughout Japan and are a nomadic people, with their innate strength and size complimenting their lifestyle perfectly They are generally known to be fairly gentle but can be severely protective of the animals or people they have surrounded themselves with.
The Ryuubito are one of the oldest races of the Mythos, humanoid dragons with varying levels of innate magic. You can find most Ryuubito to the north of Japan as they feel more comfortable around the other creatures of mythos. Little is known about them, but rumors of their fearsome power have crept across the land.
See where the races live.
Depending on which race you choose, you will have a different background, society, and features to play to your liking. Find the combo that fits your playstyle and fantasy.